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21 September 2000 - Thursday

Trip from Atlanta, Georgia to Zurich, Switzerland

A direct flight from Atlanta, Hartsfield to Zurich, Switzerland of 8 hours.  There was a fair amount of stress in the packing for the journey overseas to begin the journey of two lives together.  The girls (Bailey & Montana) and Fred were tucked into their big "kennel", a.k.a. the garage where they will be greeted by their sitter, Michelle.

The pets know that something major is going on.  Montana pouts the entire time we are packing and even went as far as throwing up not but minutes before we left.  It was just like a kid getting sick because his school report is not complete and needed to get out of going to school.  She got sick almost right on cue as we were walking to the already packed car.  My heart went out to her.

However, once over the mini-trauma, I greatly looked forward to arriving in Zurich and sharing this time with Andy and the family.

I feel so lucky to have met Andy and experience life together as one.  He is my best friend and my soul mate.  I am dearly in love and look forward to stand the test of time with him and having a family of our own.

I drift off to sleep and hope to awake when we arrive in Zurich, a different country and soon to be a different world in which Andy and I will create together, shared by family and friends.

Continue to the next day

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