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Before the Ceremony

Wedding Day - 26 September 2000 - Tuesday

At 10:45am, we went to the magistrate's office to finalize the last details of the ceremony.

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It was settled by Fritz Jarau, the Austrian magistrate, my dad, Art and Andy's mom, Mary would by our witnesses.  It seemed that all final details were in order and we were to wait until our "big moment".

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We continued to take advantage of the gorgeous setting that surrounded us, but moved to inside the palace.  We took many pictures of us on the Italian marble staircase.  This staircase led up the room in the palace that our ceremony would be performed.

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While waiting for our ceremony to begin, we were staged in a room outside of the ceremonial room.  Here, we took more pictures and discussed the day ahead.  This is when we also picked out the music to be played during our ceremony.  Finally, the time had arrived, and we were escorted to the entrance.  The room was closed off, until our music began to play and the double doors leading into the magnificent room were swung open

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