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Getting Ready

Wedding Day - 26 September 2000 - Tuesday

Andy & I arose to the most glorious of days.  The sun was lapping the Alps, to cast a morning shadow on the peaks outside our balcony.  20000926f.jpg (33045 bytes)The air was as crisp as a sword.  Salzburg was seen this clear morning off in the distance from the Gersberg Alm.

I opted to forego the breakfast with the families and tended to the "beautification" of a bride the day of her wedding.  Andy joined everyone for breakfast.  I only felt a "time" crunch, but no signs of being nervous for my big day.  200020926e.jpg (26637 bytes)While I spent my time "preparing" my hair, face, body - Andy was busy handling all of the details.  Details that ranged from dealing with the emotions of our parents to getting the bags of ice for our champagne.  Needless to say, that poor man should have dropped over before the ceremony even began!

Well at this point, my dress was on, the hair was done and my "face was complete".  Andy entered our room in his tuxedo, which was my first glimpse of my husband to be.  This vision was the inspiration that I would need, not just for today, but for the rest of my life.

2000926c.jpg (17644 bytes)To see that tall, statuesque man all in black with his tuffs of gray hair complimenting his soft brown eyes will be a vision that I will correlate to gentleness, kindness, strength, love and adornment.20000926a.jpg (19710 bytes)

My eyes filled with tears as my I felt that I was the luckiest person alive.  We embraced each other as if we had not seen the other in months.  This was going to be the happiest day in my life.

20000926d.jpg (29125 bytes)Our door was open, and my Dad knocked to come in and wish his daughter good luck.  I think he was somewhat dumbfounded as what to say when he saw me.  He told me that I looked beautiful and that he loved me.

It looked like all was on schedule to leave the hotel at 9:30am.  My future groom walked me down the stairs, arm and arm where we were greeted by his mom,  who was at the bottom of the stairs taking pictures.20000926b.jpg (29353 bytes)

Everyone looked beautiful.  We all met in the lobby and were on our way to the Mirabell Palace.

Continue to the Garden at Mirabell Palace

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